How To Build A Generative AI Solution – From Prototyping To Production

Generative AI is the next line of cutting-edge technology creating a tectonic shift in the creative performance of tasks, including generative images, videos, texts, etc. Read more about this technology and how to build a generative AI solution to leverage the limitless potential of generative AI.
how to build a generative ai solution from prototyping to production | Binmile

Generative AI is taking the world by storm due to its ability to materialize any art born out of your imagination. GPT3, ChatGPT, and other generative AI models including Stable Diffusion would measurably transcend the creative scale of the human, enabling enhancement in their creative values.

Generative AI – Statistical Overview

Most generative AI companies have made substantial inroads into the world of venture capital, acquiring considerably huge funding and higher valuation. For instance, an AI content platform, Jasper made a tranche of $125 million at a $1.5 billion valuation. In a similar context, Inflection AI (spearheaded by LinkedIn and DeepMind co-founders) made a whopping amount of $225M in equity financing.

In another example of similar revenue performance by using generative AI, OpenAI received billions more dollars (around $13 billion) from Microsoft, an extended partnership between the two companies. Earlier, in 2019, Microsoft invested $1 billion in OpenAI.

In another report, generative AI is expected to grow by 188.62 billion by 2032 from its earlier prediction of $8.65B in 2022, thereby growing at a CAGR of 36.10% during the forecast period. And guess what – OpenAI ranked top as the most valued generative AI company, as of 2022.

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Source – CB Insights

An Explanatory Note to Generative AI

Generative AI or generative artificial intelligence is one of the most cutting-edge technologies designed to create various types of content in response to prompts.

The technology is capable of creating content like text, audio, video, imagery, and synthetic data. It comes equipped with advanced user interfaces, facilitating the creation of high-quality graphics and video in seconds.

Generative AI models are scripting new definitions of success for businesses, helping them witness transformative impacts on their creativity and productivity. Technology helps businesses reinvent the way they work.

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A Simple Way of Understanding How Generative AI Works

The working mechanism of generative AI is entirely based on how comprehensively it has gone through training processes in huge datasets. For instance, just as we teach kids how to recognize an image of someone or something through its textual and visual interpretation, generative AI goes through a similar type of training or reading process, albeit in different ways.

For example, it is taught using examples to become smart enough to create something entirely new based on the examples or data.

The catch is, that most of what we witness these days in AI is the handiwork of machine learning. It empowers computer systems with the ability to learn from examples, also known as neural networks (machines that are programmed to learn from examples). Interestingly, language models (another type of neural network) are trained thoroughly using large volumes of text to understand deeply the sequence of words.

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As long as the training process continues, the language model eventually becomes nuanced, gradually becoming more insightful to know the next sequence of words. An example of language models you notice is when you use Gmail and see prompts like Smart Compose and Smart Reply, attempting to help you write or reply to your email better. Remember, large language models or LLMs (massive repositories of text data taken from social media, online content, news, etc.) are one type of generative AI.

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Use Cases of Generative Artificial Intelligence

In this section, we explore the game-changing potentiality of generative AI based on its application areas. You can also learn how to make your own AI from this blog. The technology is set to drive revolutionary changes, in terms of generating apps, auto programming, content development, visual arts, creative design, engineering activities, etc.

1. Generating Stunning Videos

Generative AI can help you create a video with an unparalleled quality notch. The spellbinding creativity output in the video generated by the technology is a visual experience. The implication is not lost on anyone that the technology would quantify the productivity of directors. The technology will help them tweak individual video frames in their motion pictures to archive any effects.

2. Generating Lifelike Images

Now creating breathtakingly beautiful images using generative AI is a reality that was perceived as almost impossible in the past. Once a dominant area of creativity of professional artists, even a non-artist can create lifelike photos today, thanks to the brilliance of generative AI. Look at how Jason M. Allen created a stunning painting called Théâtre d’Opéra Spatial using Midjourney and won for his creative masterpiece the first prize at the 2022 Colorado State Fair. This is just a simple example of the unparalleled technical brilliance of AI, transforming creativity, in terms of photo-realistic images from semantic label maps in a way once thought unattainable.

3. Generating A Natural-Sounding Audio

Generative AI is endowed with technical capabilities to engineer a natural-sounding human voice from a computer-generated voice. The simulation is so lifelike bearing the impression of a voice coming from a human vocal tract. The technology can also facilitate text-to-speech generation. The capability of generative AI makes it an ideal recommendation for those in marketing, teaching, podcasting, advertising, etc.

You can also create authentic music simulating human emotion using this technology. Create a stirring soundtrack, awesome jingle, or musical notes, the technology’s capabilities to cater to your musical imagination are unlimited.

4. Generating Informative Texts

Generative AI technology is evincing a tectonic shift in revolutionizing content creation. Create natural language content faster and in large volumes without compromising the quality. It is fully capable of catering to your needs regarding text generation and is comprehensively informative.

5. Generating High-Quality Code

Now cutting-edge AI technology is capable of generating program code addressing specific domains of interest. Generative code created thus can also learn from current code to eventually facilitate generating new code based on the learning. This, in turn, will help businesses streamline the programming process, save time, and boost efficiency.

Other Uses Of Generative Artificial Intelligence:

  • Facilitates image-to-image conversion, thanks to its ability to alter outward components of an image without compromising the internal components, such as color, or shape.
  • Generate voices for audio applications. besides producing voiceovers is also possible using the technology.
  • It is expected that AI could also generate realistic 3D representations of items.

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Stages To Build A Generative AI Solution

Stage # 01 – Create An Initial Version Of The AI Solution (prototyping) –

Just as any software development process requires prototyping each phase of the development process, creating a generative AI solution also requires a preliminary version of the AI solution or prototyping. It is important to allow testing of the AI solution’s feasibility and functionality. In order for you to learn how to make your own AI, you need to develop a basic algorithm or model for prototyping that should include key features and functions of the real solution.

What makes prototyping essential is that it helps developers identify any loopholes and fix them in the early phase of development. As a result, it pans out an efficient solution.

Steps Of Prototyping To Follow:

1. Data Collection To Train And Test The Generative Model

Building a generative AI solution in the prototyping stage of the development process requires data collection to ensure training and testing of the model later.

Consider The Following When Collecting Data:

  • Figure out the data sources (structured or unstructured data) you will use for training and testing the model.
  • Ensure the quality and relevance of the data collected. See whether the data diversely conveys the problem areas generative model can solve.
  • Ensure the accuracy of the model and labeling costs through data labeling using techniques, like crowdsourcing, and active or semi-supervised learning.
  • Mind data preprocessing before feeding data to the generative model. You can use techniques including tokenization or data augmentation to generate a suitable format of data understandable by the model.
  • Split the data into different sets, such as training, validation, and testing. The first set defines the use of data for training the model. The second set defines the data for tuning hyperparameters and evaluating the performance of the model. The third one defines the data for evaluating the final model’s performance.
  • Lastly, store the data in a format easily accessible for prototyping and development phases. From cloud-based storage to data warehouses, consider ideal data storage for the purpose.

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2. Data Preprocessing

In this stage of prototyping a generative AI solution, data is processed to ensure its quality, relevancy, and consistency.

Here are some steps to follow in this context –

    • Prioritize data cleaning to fix or remove corrupted, incorrectly formatted, duplicate, or incomplete data aiming to improve the accuracy of the generative model.
  • Initiate data normalization to eliminate redundant and unstructured data to maintain clean data within the dataset.
  • Follow tokenization to replace data with a surrogate value called a token untestable by the model.
  • Train the model to be more qualitative by extracting meaningful features from the data. Feature engineering is one of the techniques you can use in this regard.
  • Use data augmentation to enhance the size and diversity of the dataset.
  • Assign labels to the data indicating which category it belongs to.
  • Ensure validation of the preprocessed data.
3. Choose Appropriate Generative AI Algorithms

Appropriate generative AI algorithms for building a generative AI solution determine its quality and accuracy. Therefore, choose the one that would significantly impact the performance of the solution you create. For this, you can determine the problem areas, select the right framework, evaluate and choose the right algorithms, configure hyperparameters, etc.

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4. Set Up A Proper Development Environment

A proper development environment with necessary hardware, software libraries, tools, and resources helps developers effectively create, test, and deploy their ethical ai models. Not only does it induce collaboration among team members but also ensures that the solution you build can be scaled and maintained over time.

For this, take into consideration a few points, including choosing an integrated development environment (IDE) pertinent to the task, installing necessary libraries, configuring the environment, setting up version control, writing code for the generative AI algorithms, etc.

Other Key Things To Consider:

  • Build a prototype model for your generative AI solution and validate its feasibility before you move ahead with full-scale development.
  • Ensure that the prototype mode is pertinent to the task and is refined according to the testing outcomes.
  • Analyze and refine the results to ensure the accuracy, relevance, and quality of the generated AI solution.

Stage #02 – Development Phase

Under this stage, a key step to follow involves data and code for scaling to build a generative AI solution. The goal is to enhance efficiency, performance, robustness, and finetuning the solution for its long-term success. To ensure the successful completion of this stage, choose the right data storage, the right processing frameworks (like Hadoop), and containerization for code and data deployment across diverse environments.

In addition, prioritize cloud computing for scalability of the generative AI solution, like auto-scaling or load balancing. You need to optimize code to improve efficiency and reduce processing time. Moreover, consider building a robust and scalable architecture to ensure that the generative AI solution can handle large data volumes effectively.

One of the best ways to set up a robust architecture is prioritizing microservices architecture, modular design, and implementing fault tolerance and load balancing. Thereafter, focus on how you handle errors and incorporate critical features to ensure the robustness, reliability, and security of the solution.

Moving on to the next phase, set up the infrastructure for deployment to ensure the reliability, scalability, and maintainability of generative AI solutions. Don’t forget to improve the performance and scalability of the solution by applying model optimization techniques involving pruning, quantization, etc. To have a better idea, consider hiring a reputed software development company.

Stage #03 – Deployment

To ensure deployment is reliable, repeatable, and scalable in this stage of building a generative AI solution, create a deployment pipeline. The purpose is to reduce the risk of errors or other issues to improve the user experience and satisfaction. To succeed in deployment, you need to configure the model to ensure security, reliability, and efficiency. Consider the deployment environment, optimize the model, define input and output interfaces, implement security measures, etc.

Also, don’t forget to test and debug the model to ensure it doesn’t fall short of quality standards. In addition, you have to ensure that the generative AI solution is up to date and performing as expected. For this, monitor its performance and add necessary updates based on user feedback.

Read More: Generative AI in E-Commerce


Generative AI is the dawn of a new technological revolution set to create a tectonic shift in the creative space of doing business. From creating stunning and lifelike images to natural-sounding audio and text-to-speech generation, AI is capable of materializing numerous types of content. As a user, you need to give it prompts. Are you convinced that you can make your own AI? If not, connect with us, we will help you develop an artificial intelligence according to your needs.

Considering the efficiency of generative AI, outsource AI development services are attempting to harness its power to deploy, maintain, and supervise complex systems, the technology enables businesses to perform tasks with incredible ease and efficiency. The innovative technology of generative AI has limitless potential, helping companies make smart decisions and take calculated business risks.

Lastly, if you want to harness the limitless power of generative AI, consider hiring a reputed AI software development company. It will help you walk through different stages of project development to finally build a solution best suited to your business needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Implementing Generative AI involves a phased approach. To make sure, you carry out the implementation properly, it is necessary to adhere to the following steps:

  1. First, gather relevant data for training, ensuring its diversity and quality.
  2. Preprocess the data, applying techniques like cleaning, normalization, and tokenization.
  3. Choose appropriate generative AI algorithms based on your task, and set up a development environment with the right tools.
  4. Build a prototype to validate feasibility, analyze results, and refine the model.
  5. In the development phase, scale data and code, optimize for efficiency, and prioritize cloud computing for scalability.
  6. Finally, deploy the solution using a reliable deployment pipeline, ensuring security and monitoring performance for necessary updates.

Building a Generative AI model involves creating an initial version or prototype. Doing that will determine whether your potential model is viable and if it will solve the concerned pain point for users in the future. To develop a Generative AI model, you need to:

  1. Start by collecting and preprocessing data, focusing on cleaning, normalization, and tokenization.
  2. Choose suitable algorithms, set up a development environment, and build a prototype for testing.
  3. In the development phase, scale data and code, optimize for efficiency, and set up a robust architecture for reliability.
  4. During deployment, create a deployment pipeline, configure the model for security, and monitor performance for updates based on user feedback.

A phased delivery plan for your Generative AI solution is crucial for risk mitigation and efficient development. By breaking down the implementation into phases, you can identify and address challenges early in the process. It allows for thorough testing, validation, and refinement at each stage, ensuring the final solution meets quality standards. This approach also facilitates continuous improvement, allowing adjustments based on evolving requirements and feedback.

Generative AI implementation involves strategic planning and execution. To help you sift through this process effortlessly, we have compiled a list of the finest techniques that you must see:

  1. Start by defining clear objectives and understanding the specific use cases.
  2. Choose a reputable AI software development company for expert guidance.
  3. Ensure a robust data collection and preprocessing strategy, considering data sources, quality, and relevance.
  4. Select appropriate algorithms based on the problem areas and evaluate frameworks.
  5. Follow a phased delivery plan for risk mitigation and efficient development.
  6. Continuously monitor and update the solution based on user feedback, ensuring long-term success.
Abhinay Kansal
Technical Project Manager

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