Successful Technology Stack for App Development Project

Read here more about tech stack components as per backend & front end options and the right stack for app development projects.
Tech Stack for App Development Project | Binmile

People interested in building an app might have known the term technology stack or tech stack. It is used to explain a collection of tools for building software or application. Full-stack means a mix of hardware, software, operating systems, servers, databases, and programming languages that developers use to handle back-end and front-end web development. Nowadays, Mean Stack developers are in huge demand as they use a single programming language for both front-end and back-end development. Mean stands for MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node. It includes the document database MongoDB, Node.js web framework Express(.js), client-side JavaScript framework Angular(.js), and JavaScript web server Node(.js). LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) is another popular specimen of the technology stack.

Mobile and web app developers use many tools, programming languages, and frameworks to offer end users the best app experience. Moreover, most coding languages come with performance attributes and limitations. The technology stack is essential for assessing the overall strengths and weaknesses of a web or mobile application. Learn more about the components of the tech stack in the form of backend and frontend options. Also, know how to pick the right stack for your next app development project.

Inseparable Tech Stack Components

Call it infrastructure or ecosystem, technology stacks are a set of various technologies that work together for some purpose for systems. Programming languages, frameworks, databases, and server providers are popular technology stack examples. Frontend and backend are two prime aspects of a tech stack. The front end is the visible side of the app where user interactions take place. Contrary to it, the backend is the invisible or hidden part of the app that hosts user actions. Both the components are related through a middleware layer and interact through the internet. The layer covers CMS (content management systems), web servers, and many tools to support web app development.

Technology Stack for Web Apps

The choice of backend depends upon the level of to-be-displayed dynamic content. On the other hand, the front-end choice broadly relates to the to-be-delivered user experience. Backend and frontend app development is based on the following technologies:


  • Databases (MongoDB, Oracle, Redis, and MySQL)
  • Frameworks (Django,, Ruby on Rails, Flask, Django, Swift, and Objective-C)
  • Programming languages (Python, Golang, C#, PHP, and JavaScript)
  • Server providers (Apache and Nginx)


  • CSS represents content written in the HTML language
  • HTML describes the existing content structure on the webpage
  • JavaScript adds interactivity and vitality to the webpages

Also Read: Database for Web Apps

Tech Stack for Mobile Apps

When it comes to mobile app development, app development enthusiasts need to examine tech stack choice closely. The adoption of a mobile app depends on iOS, Android, and cross-platform app development.

  • For Android apps – Java, Kotlin, and Android Studio
  • For Hybrid apps – React Native
  • For iOS apps – Objective-C, Swift, Xcode, and AppCode

Tech stack for app development | Binmile

Don’t miss: How to Choose a Web Development Agency

Choose a Technology Stack for Web Development

It is not easy to develop digital products as they come with lots of challenges. When it comes to finding the right app development partner or app development company, the challenge of technology stack selection for upcoming projects matters the most. Sticking to the right tech stack choice as per project needs plays a big role. Also, we like to share a guide on how much does it cost to maintain an app.

  • Look at the scope of your project and pick a specific technology.
  • Choose a web development company based on your app category.
  • Go for an ecosystem that consists of a community and tools around technology.
  • Pick the stack based on your exact project needs, not personal preferences or competitors’ experience.
  • Don’t pick up the technology based on your previous experience as the size doesn’t fit all.
  • Choose the technology as per the size of the web app you are planning to develop.
  • Consider a perfect marketing strategy and deadline before deciding on a particular technology.
  • Make sure the stack you choose should be able to support scalability, reusability, and portability.
  • Check your budget as it is a big factor to decide which technology you can use for your mobile app development project.

Remember that all tools and technologies target your project, but you have to pick only one technology to get the job done. So, go with a particular technology or device that suits your business and project needs direct. You save more on cost and time to market.

A long list of technologies and tools creates confusion when you need to start an app development project. Shake hands with a professional mobile app development company and know what is right for your next project! The company will help you pick up the right tech stack and get the highest value for your business.

Hire a full stack or MEAN stack dedicated developer for your next project.

Ashish Aggarwal
Head of Delivery

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