How ServiceNow CMDB made all the difference for the IT Team

Binmile with Technology Partner has years of experience in implementing ServiceNow's tools & provide best ServiceNow CMDB benefits.
ServiceNow CMBD Benefits | Binmile


A leading retailer in the UK realizes the need for a centralized platform to manage all their IT activities. The client had dispersed data in silos, with the company processes either overlapping or not crossing paths at all. Also, as they were in the retail business, they have many hardware and software that spread across business divisions, functions, and geographies, making it difficult for them to maintain or have a clear picture of the current standing of their hardware and software assets (also known as CIs).
As they are in more than a dozen countries with business revenues in billions of business environments, require accurate and real-time insight into their IT environment. Such huge organizations require substantial capital expenditures on IT infrastructure. Also, it is equally essential that the ROI on these investments is calculated. The client needs to make sure that the hardware and software are functioning smoothly at all times and that they have not spent more than what is required nor underspent, nor are there any idle IT resources blocking capital that could have been used otherwise for business growth and expansion.

The Challenge

The challenge is not to have a CMDB (Configuration Management Database) or CI (Configuration Items), but rather to have an automated process in place that is mapped correctly and provides 100% accurate insights with inevitable results.
The CMDB needed to be flexible and scalable to adapt to the pace of business strategy and speed. Also, the client had a different tool to find CIs and populate them in ServiceNow, which required integration. As there were many components and functions involved, such as global business presence, compliance, internal employees, and salespeople using either POS machines or desktops to manage store operations, the client needed a ServiceNow consultant who understood ITSM and their business at the very core.
The client has approached us for consultancy and guidance on the same.

A few of the prevailing concerns

  • No clear picture of current IT hardware and software assets
  • The problem is managing the IT environment data
  • The problem with expansion and maintenance
  • Non-availability of real-time data and insights.
  • Non-availability of customized reports.

The Solution

The team of consultants analyzed the past, present, and future needs of IT and came up with the following solutions.

  • ServiceNow KPIs
  • ServiceNow Service Mapping
  • ServiceNow CMDB Health Dashboard
  • ServiceNow CMDB Reconciliation
  • ServiceNow CMDB Lifecycle Management
  • ServiceNow CMDB Population by integrating with Snow

The Benefits

ServiceNow CMDB and CI benefits to the client

  • The Real-time data and insights on CIs
  • Real-time incident management.
  • Migrate to a single platform for smooth management across all applications and processes.
  • Trust your CMDB to be a complete and compliant single system of record for business-critical processes.
  • Visualize complex data to understand impact and risk, make better decisions, and provide better business services.
  • Single Data Model.
  • Easy and accurate Data Acquisition.
  • Powerful Visualization and Reporting.
  • CMDB health dashboard setup, enabling real-time insights of all CIs.
  • Quickly come up with CI duplicity reports.
  • Resolve duplicate CIs in a few clicks which helps to form a matured CMDB at a fast pace.
  • Make quick & appropriate decisions by having a real-time staleness report and saving overall infrastructure cost

The Outcome

  • Save up to 45% time on IT efforts to populate CMDB.
  • Reduction of 60% in P1 incidents.
  • Reduction of 70% in the time needed to address vulnerabilities.
  • The automated approval process for 90% of changes and configuration
  • items.

Team Binmile with Technology Partner has years of experience in implementing and maintaining tools and services for optimum ITSM.

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