In Agile testing methodology, the Test-driven development (TDD) approach is a development technique. In traditional development and testing procedures, developers used to write code first. Then, they fit a test to authenticate the written code. On the other hand, the TDD approach allows developers to write the test first and then implement code changes. Interestingly, TDD is all about writing your unit test first, watching it fail, and applying code changes until the test passes. In the software testing process, you can’t take testing for granted as it ensures the smooth functioning of the software product on all mobiles and desktops. Nowadays, TDD is preferred by agile software developers for application source code development and by Agile DBAs for database development. Have a look at what experts say about the TDD testing approach.
Experts’ Take on Agile TDD Testing
“I do believe it’s important for testers to know the market that their client or their employer is in and the reason for that is if you understand what risks your client is facing, and you understand what the competing products are and where the challenges lie in the market, you can plan your testing accordingly.”— Karen N. Johnson
“… the biggest benefit for me for doing test-driven development that I found is it helps you become better at writing good code… Let me tell you what I think now. I think now that test-driven is like training wheels for writing good code. It should be used in certain cases but not all the time…You have to be pragmatic about it. If you feel like the tests aren’t adding value or they’re just wasting time, then that might be true.” — John Sonmez (from “My Views On Test Driven Development”)
“TDD isn’t something that comes naturally. It’s a discipline, like a martial art, and just like in a Kung Fu movie, you need a bad-tempered and unreasonable master to force you to learn the discipline.” — Harry Percival (from Chapter 1 of “Test-Driven Development with Python”)
“TDD is a discipline, and that means it’s not something that comes naturally; because many of the payoffs aren’t immediate but only come in the longer term, you have to force yourself to do it at the moment.” — Harry Percival (from Chapter 4 of “Test-Driven Development with Python”)
“Psychologically, [TDD] made development a much less stressful process. It produces code that’s a pleasure to work with… TDD is like having a ratchet that lets you save your progress, take a break, and make sure you never slip backward. That way you don’t have to be smart all the time.” — Harry Percival (from Chapter 4 of “Test-Driven Development with Python”)
Five Steps of Test-driven Development Agile Testing
Professional test automation services involve testing software and apps using modern testing tools and well-drafted use cases, involving AI to come up with all possible scenarios. There are five steps in the TDD flow or Red-Green-Refactoring:
- Read, understand, and process the feature or bug request.
- Translate the requirement by writing a unit test.
- Write and implement the code that fulfills the requirement.
- Clean up your code by refactoring.
- Rinse, lather, and repeat.
All mentioned above quotes emphasize the utility and relevance of agile TDD for the software testing process. It is not just writing code. It is about making a plan, doing things better, being practical and disciplined, saving time, and providing long-term benefits. Before getting help from any testing company, you need to understand the value of agile TDD testing so that you can make the most out of the software or app product.